
Our Vision

As sons and daughters of God, fully given to life in the Spirit and devoted to the Living Word, we long to love and serve our community and make way for all to come to know Jesus. 

established 2022

One Mission

The mission of The Gathering at Adell is to orient the Church according to Acts 2:42-47.

The Church was devoted to the Apostles’ Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread, Prayer and Expectation of Miracles.

Our Values

Weekly Bible Readings

We want people to hunger for the Living Word. We believe the most effective way of cultivating this is by providing a reading plan that we, as the church, go through together, which allows us to go deeper through the Scriptures as we meet in House Churches and Corporately.

Elder Authority

God designed His Church to function under the leadership of Elders (1 Peter 5:1-4). Elders are to lead and oversee the church, but they are to do so in such a way that cares for, serves and shepherds the church. They are to lead in a way that protects and preserves the unity of the church.


This requires intentional commitment to become mature Christ followers. We ask each member to have a more mature Christ follower shepherd him or her to bring about that maturity. As Christ followers, we are called to make disciples. We want all members to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who don’t believe.

House Churches

House Churches enable people to gather in community on a weekly basis. We believe House Churches should be the primary focus of the church. This is where the vision and mission of the church is carried out.

Simple Gatherings

We want to make sure that we are not adding anything to our Worship Service that isn’t biblical. We work hard on not adding elements that can distract us from the worship of our God.

Everyone Using Their Gifts

We want to create space for everyone to contribute at our gatherings. No one should come as a consumer. We need everyone to come as a servant using his or her gifts to build up and encourage the church.

Share Possessions

The early church was known for how they cared for one another. We joyfully share our resources (time, money, possessions, energy, talents) as we learn of needs, both locally and/or around the world.

Mission Minded

As Christ followers we are expected to serve Him and others. This can be both locally and/or around the world. We do this by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who don’t believe and by meeting the physical needs of others.

Our History

In January of 2019, after 8 years of serving on staff at The Gathering Brock, a prophetic word was spoken over Pastor Jeff that he had received the training he needed for the next step. What the next step was was not immediately clear, though he knew he was called to be a pastor. For a year he searched out land and buildings trying to make something happen.

Then 2020.

He gradually let the word slip from his mind as he worked to help keep the church flourishing during a pandemic where opinions were strong but grace had to be stronger.

Then 2021.

A small church in Adell, TX was struggling. It so happened that one of our elders, Pastor Mike Wiley had been the pastor of Adell Community Fellowship for 25 years. The current leaders of the church knew they needed help, and prayerfully approached the elders of The Gathering about taking over their church. The building, land, everything. All they needed was a pastor. Immediately the word was renewed in Jeff’s heart and in November of 2021, The Gathering at Adell was born. A sister church, or “one family, two houses.”

Each body looks a bit different from the other, but we share the same identity in Christ. We have church-wide events where both campuses come together, periodically. May God continue to bless and guide us!

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We are happy to answer any questions you may have about The Gathering at Adell!