Children’s Ministry

We are one team

Expanding the Kingdom of God


Biblical Teaching

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We bring Bible stories to life through activities and conversations that keep children engaged. We want all children to love God’s Word and understand its value in their lives.


Safety and security are at the forefront of importance for you and your kids. Specifically, all kids and guardians are given matching tags. Children cannot be picked up by an adult without the security tag that is given at check-in.

Children’s areas are secured and monitored at all times once the service begins.

Volunteers are highly dedicated and see the opportunity to serve children and families as a privilege. All of our volunteers pass through security screenings and training.


Kids love fun! We create fun ways for children to learn about Jesus, including games, activities, singing, and live acting. When children have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back.


There are a variety of opportunities for your children to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God. Amazing volunteers serve faithfully to teach weekly Biblical lessons and guide students into Christ- like maturity.


We want kids to know there are people at church who care about them. As families commit to attending service each week, children are placed in a small group of familiar faces where relationships can grow.


Gardens & Landscaping​​

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