Our Leadership

Meet The Gathering
at Adell Staff

Our staff is unified in purpose to serve the Kingdom of God


Jeff Hopkins, Lead Pastor

Jeff and his wife, Lauren, have been married since 2002 and have 8 children, 1 wonderful daughter-in-law, and one most perfect grand daughter. They have been in ministry since 2004 in several different capacities and have yet to tire of the Kingdom work. They are so excited to partner with the community of Adell to love people in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 13:7 – never giving up, never losing faith, always hopeful, and enduring through every circumstance.


Brady Sandlin, Care Pastor

Brady and Amy Sandlin serve as our Care Pastors. They have 6 beautiful babies. They are in love with their Bridegroom Jesus and long to see Malachi 4:6, “the hearts of the fathers return to the hearts of the sons and the hearts of the sons return to the hearts of the fathers.” They believe in revival and heaven invading earth!


Kellie Kiel, Worship Pastor

Kellie has been married to her husband Eric for over 19 years and together they have 4 children: Zion, Levi, Silas and Rhema. Kellie has been leading worship for over 25 years. As a family, the Kiel’s are passionate abut using their gifts and talents to serve the church and seeing the Kingdom of God advance in Parker County.


Jacob Jenkins, Youth Pastor

Jacob and his wife, Shelby, have been married since August of 2012. They have 4 awesome kids (2 boys and 2 girls): Jack, Ila, Eden, and Elliyah. Jacob has been in ministry since 2004 and loves getting to be a part of discipling young people to know, follow, and love Jesus with all they are (Matthew 22:36-40). Their heart is to see families and young people mature deeply (Ephesians 4:13) in their faith in order to establish legacies of generational discipleship (2 Timothy 2:2) that is transformative and bears lasting fruit (John 15:16).
“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35


Mandy Cunningham, Children’s Pastor

Mandy and her husband, Gary, have been married since December of 2013. They have 4 beautiful daughters: Genevieve, Anne, Rebecca, and Tessa. Mandy has been in ministry since 1995 and has enjoyed seeing the Lord work in amazing ways over the years. The Cunninghams believe that children are a vital part of the body of Christ and desire to lead and equip them to become Kingdom Minded believers that bring the light of Jesus to a dark world.
“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12


Rachael Berg, Financial Manager

Meet The Gathering
at Adell Elders

Elders are to lead and oversee the church, but they are to do so in such a way that cares for, serves and shepherds the church. They are to lead in a way that protects and preserves unity of the church.

Jeff Hopkins

Mike Wiley

Claude Jackson

Royce Sandlin

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